Eing’s reading response

The internet is free for us to use. it’s so convenient that we barely question how safely our information is stored and what happens to them them once it’s out there. When I was first introduced to the cloud system I was so into it like how convenient it is to have my files synced and be able to open on my other devices whenever I need to. I wasn’t even care where they are stored as long as I know that nobody will have access to it unless I wanted to.
Speaking of privacy, when it comes to social media we can’t really complain that the government is violating our privacy by snooping our data and watching our internet activities because we are the one deciding to post them and the reason for them doing that is to surveil us, probably preventing terrorism. Personally, I’m ok with the government having my information because when you think about it, If we’ve done nothing wrong, then you don’t have to worry about being spied on by the government. One thing, though, I’m wondering what would happen to all our information/ files once the system was shutdown? Are they out there somewhere? or are they all gone.

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