Interactive I


Instructor: Kelly Walters
Room: E1 / 1111 8th Street (SF Campus)

General Schedule
Mondays + Wednesdays
4:00 – 7:00 pm

Course Description
Designing for the internet requires a solution that embraces the web as a communication medium while providing for a unique user experience. The goal is to strike a balance between form and function, between visual design and effective communication. This course will cover the latest methods of web design, development, and production including HTML, CSS and media integration. From beginners to those with more experience, students will learn the most current techniques for planning, designing, building and testing a fully functional website start to finish. Along the way, you’ll be introduced to relevant readings, conduct in-class tutorials, and be provided challenging exercises and projects to deepen your awareness of graphic design principles in tandem with web based practice and technology.

Learning Outcomes
– To enable students to produce working prototypes of web page
– To give students a working knowledge of HTML and CSS
– To give students a firm understanding of the technology involved in implementing a website
– To give students an understanding of how information is distributed online, and how good design can harness these modes of structuring information
– To discuss with the students how the web as a very specific public space, with its own communities, forms of engagement, modes of communication
– To familiarize students with the design principles relating to dynamic media

– No coding requirements
– Basic photo editing and vector editing knowledge
– A willingness to explore the web in all its many forms, uses, and aesthetics

– A laptop
– Sublime Text 2 or 3
– FTP software such as Fetch, Filezilla, Cyberduck, Transmit (will explain when we get to this point in the semester)

User accounts with the following tools and applications:

Readings will be assigned every week. We will discuss the readings in class, in relation to specific websites and artworks and each other’s class work. Each student must submit 1 question to the class website BEFORE 8am the day of the assigned reading discussion. The questions should be discussion questions. They will act as prompts for the in-class discussion. The questions should NOT be questions for the instructor, but should be for your fellow students. You must come to class prepared to discuss the texts.

There will 4 assignments over the course of the semester.
Functionality will be evaluated in Google Chrome.

50% Execution of Projects
25% Execution of Exercises
25% Participation in critiques, class discussions, and readings
Students will deliver Project and Exercise files in one digital bundle on the last day of class using GitHub.

Grading Criteria
F – Frequently late and/or absent. Insufficient participation. Little to no understanding of the coding and technology.

D – Occasional lateness and more than one unexcused absence. Basic understanding of coding and technology.

C – Occasional lateness. Demonstrated an understanding of coding and technology. Failed to take risks. Work holds together. Makes only obligatory contributions to discussions

B – Always present. Work in on time. Demonstrated a solid understanding of coding and technology. was able to seek out new coding principles and technologies. Work has good form and content, and took some risks. Able to make interesting contributions to the class

A – Always present. Work in on time. Demonstrated a solid understanding of coding and technology. Was able to seek out new coding principles and technologies. work has excellent form and content, and took major risks. Always makes interesting contributions to the class, and frequently led class discussions

One unexcused absence and your letter grade drops by one, i.e. from A to a B. Two unexcused absences and you will be dropped from the course. Two late arrivals without prior arrangements equals one unexcused absence. Students who have been absent are expected to have their work completed the class session following their return. To obtain an excused absence, you must both write the instructor in advance and bring in medical documentation. See also: CCA’s Attendance Policy.

Expectations and Other Class Policies

How to Ask Questions & Get Help
The majority of information we cover in this class is readily available online and can provide answers to many of your immediate questions. Think for yourself, carefully review what you did and what trouble you’re having. Consult google, consult the books I’ve recommended. Ask 2 friends that are sitting next to you.  If all else fails, ask me.

Backup Your Work
Invest in a cloud service (like Dropbox) or backup to a hard drive EVERY NIGHT or EVERY MORNING (for macs, use Time Machine)