Michael – Response Questions

The Internet is the first place people go to for research. It is replacing libraries with online books educational websites, and blogs. UbuWeb is an example of a website that posts free informative and educational content. It is a matter of time before most paper sources transfer over to the web making it more accessible to the masses and a much faster way to research.

Goldsmith is addressing something that has been discussed numerous times in different industries. The most notable instance was with music. Once CDs converted to MP3 it was more accessible, cheaper, and faster to download. However the convenience comes at a cost, at least for the creators. It has become so easy to gain free content that otherwise would be paid, but the internet is too complex and vast to stop information and content from seeping through. Goldsmith is introducing an avant guard way of displaying information. The internet allows for visual, audio, and written media which allows more freedom to convey a message. He is basically conveying the message that knowledge is meant to be shared and built upon and not restricted for a group of people. The problem that I see with this is that with so much information on the internet one must know to look for the right sources. Simply put, there is more material now, but how much of it is actually useful or true?

The person who makes the piece of art should decide whether it is published or not. However its not about that anymore. As mentioned previously musicians want to decide where their music goes, but it is impossible to block it completely. The internet is infinite, if one way is blocked people will find other ways.

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