Fay’s Reading Response #5

I think this reading addresses the age old question – do you pursue your dreams or do you pursue that nice pay check?

I know plenty of people who just want to clock in and out, get a nice paycheck and then go on with their lives. I also know people who want those work hours to mean something. After all, if you spend so much of your day working, then you might as well do something that feels personally rewarding.

Somers pines to be a writer, but struggles with saying no to the perks of being a developer. But it also seems like he is currently doing both – working as a developer AND pursuing his writing on the side.

For me, whatever it is you decide, you need to be okay with that decision. If you don’t feel good about not living out your dreams or trying to live your dreams, then make a change. Is it worth it to be a coder (something you don’t particularly love) and let your dreams of being a writer fall to the way side? This is a decision each individual needs to make for themselves.

Sometimes it’s hard to make that transition. And sometimes that transition takes awhile. It will be interesting to check in and see what Somers ends up doing a few years from now.